Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tough Return

With this weekends double, a 10 miler with Jesse on Saturday and a 13 miler with the Wachusett Mountain Running Club on Sunday, I was completely spent on Monday. A long workday just added insult to injury.

While trying to ease my way back into a running program of such, I've begun to realize just important goals are. As of right now, I don't have any. No races on the docket. Nothing to wake me up at 4am. No real focus.

Structure for me is very important. I've learned that I need direction to be successful and deadlines on the calendar to work towards. With my teaching job starting back up on Monday, my hopes that the early morning jaunts will be the norm and training for an upcoming double traverse of the Presidential range will finally hit me as daunting.

So, until then, I bagged another run this morning after a measly 3 mile run yesterday. Hardly the training I need to go up and down mountains.  On the brighter, I have been catching up on my sleep and surely getting some rest my body needs and deserves.

Actually been thinking of taking the mounting bike out for a spin lately. Something I haven't done in over two years.

1 comment:

  1. How about a Pemi loop Sept. 8th as training for the Presi-traverse?
