Friday, February 11, 2011

Round Numbers

Two runs this week. Two completely different courses. 7.9 miles. Didn't even map them out before hand.  Not 8 miles, a nice round number, but 7.9. I felt like running back down the driveway of the school and coming back to get me my 8. Call me weird but I just like round numbers.

Good run overall on a new course. Added in Elliott trail road hill to some existing terrain we sometimes cover. Cold temps of -2 had icicles off our ears and beards. Total run time was 1 hour and 8 minutes to cover the 7.9 miles. Looking forward to tomorrow's morning run with ben. Would like to hit the wheeler trails for an hour, then head over to the salisbury st. trails for a bit and then back to the cars.

Not sure what shoes to wear because we will be on the road and trails. Just picked up the montrail mt. masochist for $60 at ems. They claim to work both well on roads and trails. I have worn them once on the trails and they were fine. I think a better test will be come spring, with the water, mud and roots/rocks.

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