Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mixin It Up on the Long Run

Ran with ben today starting at the wheeler road trails for 1:07 minutes a nice easy pace. We did two loops of the course, which consisted of hard packed snow and ice. The microspikes worked to perfection and I still consider them a "must have" for winter trail running.

After the trail session, which was five miles, I took off the spikes and hit the roads. We decided to do the hills course that jay and I do for our morning runs. Not 10 minutes into the run, both our water bottles were deemed useless due to the freezing mouth piece. Aghhh! So the next 6 miles or so we did without water. A good test of what the body can handle in my opinion.

The looped hill's course brought us back to the car in about 2:07 minutes for the total time. From here, ben, having stomach issues headed out, and I, strapped the spikes back on and headed out for another two loops on the trails. Finished the five miles in 53 minutes, compared to 67 earlier that morning. Nice to know that after running for 2 plus hours I can really turn it on and finish strong.

Only had one gel for the entire run right before the second trail session. No breakfast either. Minimal water as well (not by choice). Wore the north face single track shoes, which have been my go to shoes for races, for the entire long run today. I was sceptical about running with them on the road but they proved me wrong and felt great.

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