Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Old Stomping Ground

This morning I visited my old stomping ground. I grew up right next to the Webber Property in grafton and i can attribute my fondness for the outdoors to this special place. Growing up we would play football, baseball, hide and go seek and build snow forts and jumps out in the fields. As i got older, trail running and mt. biking became my passions and this place had it all, right outside my parents front door. Up to this point, I hadn't run the trails on the property since the fall and wasn't sure if it would be tracked out. A student of mine, and avid mt. biker, said he rode there over the weekend and that the snowmobiles packed it down "real good". He wasn't kidding. In some spots the trail was at least three snowmobile widths wide and packed down to the max. The riders got all of the major trails and missed only a few minor ones. Still, I was able to get in a 56 minute run and 5 miles in length without doing any loops.

Looking like I'll be meeting jay there in the morning for another run. With the warm temps today, I'm hoping that i can get a few more snow packed runs at my old playground. 

Thought we were heading up north to the whites for the weekend, but plans have changed. Looking like a long run in my area for sat/sun. Thinking leominster or rutland state forest could be the winners.


  1. Have you ever been running at Mt Wachusett in Princeton? There are some good trails there. I especially like racing from base camp to summit.

  2. Shane,

    I have run at the mountain in all season except winter. Many trails, good elevation and views make it a great spot. The midstate trail also runs through the park which was the spot for many of my long out and back training runs. Good suggestion, I may take a look this weekend. Thanks.
