Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rail Road Grade

Ran the abandoned rail road bed near dorthy pond in milbury this morning. I think training on this section of trail a little more before the ghost train ultra will help immensely. Its the same surface, grade and should really mimic the race to a "T". Run was an easy paced 5.5 miles in 57 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous said...So we should probably figure everything for this race out as soon as we can.

    1. As far as pacers, I'm not sure who I could ask besides Ben but I'll see if he's interested. He could probably do the last 15 miles with one of us.

    2. Can I use your camelpack again like I did at the MW100? I still haven't bought one and since we'll only be seeing aid every 15 miles it may be a good idea to bring.

    3. What should we do for cars? Should we take 2? If the race starts at 9am and I finish in 30 hours (I'm finishing, I don't care if the cutoff is 27) or around there that makes it 3pm on Sunday. I have class the following day and I'm most likely going back to Springfield that night so I have to book it after the race is over so I can go eat and get back there. I have lab on Monday and it's really hard to skip so unless I'm really hurting I plan to go back on Sunday night.

    The car thing may be tricky because you are going to kill this race and you'll probably have to wait a long time for me to finish. That's what I get for never running. My mom can come get me if you just want to drive me up and then I'll just give her an idea based on what the time is at mile 90.

    4. Are we going to make the back of your car into an aid station? That way we could just split what we need to get for it and then have a lot of stuff. I'll go halfs on whatever supplies we need if that's what you want to do, food water whatever.... although I'll probably mooch off some of your salt tablets... again. Haha.

    5. I'm planning my last (and only) long run for the 2nd. I know your race is the 8th but if you want to do another long run I can always use the company.... (I say that like I run..ever.)

    6. If we are going together what time do you want to leave Holden?

    7. Am I missing anything?
